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Balance of Health & Taste in Food is the Need of the Hour

Getting Healthy is all the rage these days because so many of us in the social media generation is finally growing up and realising we can’t just keep eating junk food. It’s so important to sleep on time, eat on time, have balanced diet get your daily dose of vitamins & minerals and exercise throughout the week in order to stay healthy. It’s a conscious choice for everyone to make a dietary plan and stick to it.

The question is simple: How do we maintain the taste of all the foods we prepare while looking at healthy substitutes?

The easiest solution is to use good quality ingredients and start cooking food at home so you can control every aspect of the dish. Certain dishes can get monotonous over a period of time because how long can you eat steamed vegetables? That’s why it’s so important to make tasty food healthier using new spices and new cuisines. Especially at times where fitness and building immunity is the need of the hour. Exercising, healthy eating, and a focus on mental health are the new essentials of our lifestyles. This year has changed our fitness habits including the way we all cook. Home Cooked meals are definitely the first step in eliminating the bad habits of junk food. Instead, people are now focusing on using better ingredients and experimenting with flavours so that they can strike a balance of taste and health that best suits them.

Cooking healthy food at home might take a while getting used to, and finding the perfect balance of taste can be a difficult task. It can mean anything from using lesser salt, experimenting with spices and upgrading certain ingredients that will still give the same result. It’s not just about how much protein and how many carbohydrates a person eats that decides their health! For instance, recipes that remind you of your grandmother’s cooking to newer ones you found online, you use oil in almost everything you cook. But imagine if this simple ingredient had more to offer…

It seems inconceivable but food science has made wonderful progress in recent years. Oil is no longer just a way to add fat to your dish, but now it can be rich in certain Vitamins that can then help you build your immunity. Vitamin rich oils help your intestine absorb certain vitamins and store them in your body one such oil is Emami Healthy & Tasty Smart Balance Cooking oil. A blended edible oil having Soyabean Oil & Refined Rice Bran Oil, it has immunity boosting nutrients like vitamin A, C, D, E and omega 3 which are scientifically known to influence the body’s immune system..Such nutrient rich oils do not interfere with the appearance, texture and flavour of the dishes cooked using them thus maintaining the taste while deriving health benefits.

The health benefits of using an upgraded oil like this are plenty! The end result is that your body gets a boost because now the oil has all the vitamins you could ever need to help strengthen your natural immunity. In a time when the world is coming together to stay healthy, these are the elementary steps you can take to give your immune system the edge it requires.

  • Vitamin C is helpful in common cold symptoms
  • Vitamin E in conjunction and with Vitamin C is known to help boost antioxidant levels to fight oxidative stress that causes loss of immunity, which then helps you keep a calm and cool exterior as you go about your day.
  • Vitamin D can be instrumental in supporting strong bones.
  • Omega 3 helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels for good heart health.

Using such a healthy cooking oil like Emami Healthy & Tasty Smart Balance in your daily cooking adds to the ultimate goal of finding the balance in making healthy food taste good. The key, like so many mothers will tell you, is using natural and healthy ingredients to nourish ourselves and comfort ourselves. If one good thing has come out of this year, it is that everyone is trying to be self-reliant by taking care of themselves on their own. The world around us is opening up again, but now people have the tools to make their own health choices and know how to find the balance of taste and health in their everyday food.

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